Sunday, February 12, 2012

Saving the world one bee at a time....

Last night Rodney and I watched a documentary about bees and their role in the world, entitled, "Queen of the Sun" I know shocking that Rodney was home to watch a movie! It was a great movie and has inspired me to become more involved. Sadly, we lost at least one of our beehives this winter. Rodney said that if the other one was also gone, he was going to take a year off and move the bees and build a better fence for them. I'm not entirely sure what will happen, but I do know that I want to be more involved in their care. This is a huge thing for me considering I have been, historically, terrified of bees. Of course having two beehives in your backyard changes your perspective a bit - especially since I haven't been stung once since we got the hives. Bees play such a critical role in our lives and all of us should be doing our part to secure their future. If you get a chance - I highly recommend watching the movie for yourselves.

Things you can do to help the bees
Take the time to listen to and take care of the honeybees in your neighborhood. Here are some steps that you can take right now to help the bees:

1.Plant bee-friendly flowers and flowering herbs in your garden and yard.
2.Don’t use chemicals and pesticides to treat your lawn or garden.
3.Buy local, organic food from a farmer that you know.
4.Bees are thirsty. Put a small basin of fresh water outside your home.
5.Consider backyard beekeeping. It really isn't difficult and your garden and your neighbors gardens will thank you.

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