Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What kind of wine goes with dog hair

I have a special place in my heart for dogs. They are such sweet companions. I have 3 dogs of which only one is really mine. And Max is only mine because his mother was hit by a car several years ago and he was just too skiddish and awkward to start over in a new home so he became my dog. Yuki our old basset/husky mix is actually Hannah's dog that she left here for me to take care of. Amaya, our Husky/Malamute, has been here for almost a year - and was Kylie's contribution to our house o' mutts.

I do love dogs. I don't love the fog of flying dog hair that is floating around at any given moment. After a week of the dogs sleeping on my bedroom floor I can fill my vacuum canister twice with their dog hair. It's unreal.

Tonight I had plans to do laundry, make dinner, work on some honey jars - but instead I vacuumed my bedroom, bisselled the hard wood, erased the couches with the pet eraser, changed the sheets on my bed and dusted my bedroom. Maybe I can actually get dressed in my room tomorrow morning... ick!

1 comment:

  1. i have a max too! (have we had that conversation already?) i love dogs too. and i'm not a huge fan of dog hair either...
